Wednesday 5 February 2014

619. B. Ph TEXT IV – 7 Email Writing

IV – 7    Email  Writing

Electronic mail, commonly called email or e-mail, is a method of exchanging digital messages across the Internet or other computer networks.
1]  It is cheaper and faster than a letter.
2] It does not shout its arrival like a telephone call.
3] It does not command its exclusive attention.
4] It less hassles than a fax message.
5] Differences in locations, time zones, etc. are not obstacles.
6] It is the highest speed of communication and information transfer.
7] It is virtual and instantaneous.
8] A single message can be sent to hundreds simultaneously.
9] Other files can be attached to this.

There is no privacy Email.
without some security precautions, can be compromised because:
1] email messages are generally not encrypted.
2] email messages have to go through intermediate computers before reaching their destination, meaning it is relatively easy for others to intercept and read messages.
3] many Internet Service Providers (ISP) store copies of email messages on their mail servers before they are delivered. The backups of these can remain for up to several months on their server, despite deletion from the mailbox.
4] The "Received:"-fields and other information in the email can often identify the sender, preventing anonymous communication.

In business
           Email was widely accepted by the business community as the first broad electronic communication medium and was the first ‘e-revolution’ in business communication.
           Email is very simple to understand.
           Like postal mail, email solves two basic problems of communication: logistics and synchronization .
LAN based email is also an emerging form of usage for business. It not only allows the business user to download mail when offline, it also provides the small business user to have multiple users email ID's with just one email connection.
Internet email messages consist of two major sections:

Header — Structured into fields such as summary, sender, receiver, and other information about the email.

Body — The message itself as unstructured text; sometimes containing a signature block at the end. This is exactly the same as the body of a regular letter.

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